How to Prevent Printing from PDF - Add a Password


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Most people select the PDF format to print files because it works on all devices and running systems. But Printing can go wrong if a PDF file has private information that shouldn't be shared. It would help if you made sure that PDFs can't be edited, copied, or even printed. This blog showed you three easy ways to ensure others can't print your PDF files. Read the following list and check each one:

Prevent Windows from Printing from a PDF.

You will be shown a different set of tools for each working system. This section mostly discusses Windows and shows you a full PDF editor that can keep your PDFs safe. PDF is a PDF tool that runs on Windows and works with all major versions of Windows, from Windows 11 to XP.

PDF gives you several ways to protect PDF files: secure PDFs with passwords, add an e-signature to your PDF, add watermarks to PDF pages, and so on. Its Encryption feature lets you lock PDFs with passwords, so others can't print them without your knowledge.

Step 1: Get a PDF for free and open it on your machine.

Download for free

Step 2: Log in with your account information for a free 7-day sample. Then, use this tool to open your PDF file.

Step 3: Click Protect > Encryption in the top menu bar.

Step 4: Check the boxes next to Owner Password and Print.

Step 5: Type in a password and tap "OK."

By default, the choice to Replace Existing Files is chosen. Remember to uncheck this box if you don't want to change it.

How to Limit Mac PDF Printing

Preview is the PDF reader that comes with macOS. It's a free PDF tool that you can use to view PDFs and pictures and do some basic things with PDFs, like protecting PDF files from being printed with a password. Follow the steps for more additional details:

Step 1: Start Preview and open your PDF file.

Step 2: Select "Edit Permissions" from the File drop-down menu.

Step 3: Check the box next to Printing. Then set an Owner Password and retype it to ensure it is correct.

Step 4: Click "Apply" to confirm your changes.

Preview can lock PDFs so that they can't be annotated, text and images can't be copied, pages can't be changed, and forms can't be filled out. This tool can also be used to encrypt pictures with passwords.

How to Edit a PDF on a Mac Utilizing Preview

If you're a new user who has never used the Preview app, click this page to learn how to change PDFs with Preview.

Add a password online to a PDF.

People love using online tools because they don't need to be downloaded or installed. Using online tools is very easy and saves a lot of time. PDF2GO is a web-based app that lets you work with PDF files in many ways. PDF2GO's ability to password-protect PDFs is essential, especially for ensuring that important information stays private and safe.

To use PDF2GO's password protection feature, you just need to share the PDF file you want to protect, make a password, and choose how many people can print, copy, or change the document. When password protection is done, you can access the password-protected PDF file and know that it can't be viewed or printed by people who shouldn't be able to. The following text provides a full guide:

Step 1: Go to PDF2GO's website and click on the Protect PDF tool.

Step 2: Upload the PDF file you want to protect by pressing the "Choose File" button or clicking and dragging the file into the space provided.

Step 3: After sharing the file, you can add a password to prevent others from opening or changing it. You can also stop people from Printing, copying, or changing the PDF file by choosing the right choices.

Step 4: Click the "START" button to set a password. Your PDF file with a password will be available to download in a few minutes.


Lastly, if you don't want your PDF files to be copied, that's an important step to take to protect their privacy and security. With apps like PDF, PDF2GO, etc., it's easy to protect your PDFs with a password and stop people from printing, saving, or changing them. Taking these stages ensures no one else can see or print your personal information without your permission.

It's important to protect your PDF files from being printed, whether you're a business owner sending private papers to clients or an individual trying to keep personal information safe. When sharing a PDF file, you might want to use the password security feature to keep your information safe. With just a few clicks, you can protect your papers and stop people who shouldn't be printing them.